Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm a gonna show the way.

Dear America,

Ahhh the purgatory of life. College. So often I feel as if I'm in The Phantom Tollbooth's Doldrums. Are you thinking? Stop. Laughing? You wouldn't dare. Sitting, waiting, and stagnating. Formal education shouldn't feel like such a hindrance to one's true education and pursuit of life goals. I try so desperately to enjoy the journey. Enjoying the hike as much as reaching the summit. This concept, so easily conceived, is much harder to implement in my life. My aim in this blog is not at all to turn readers into cheap therapy for myself. I don't want you to become sounding boards. I'm just attempting to provoke thought. Shouldn't society be more tailored to fit all of its diverse members? The ease with which performing well comes in a top public university is astounding. Let me set up an independent study curriculum for myself and then give me a degree.

I digress, I guess I'm tired of ignorance setting the precedent. Which leads me to the following conclusion:

Please, Let us stop fooling ourselves America. Twenty percent of Americans think the sun orbits the earth. Also, forty-four percent of US adults still believe the earth is less than 20,000 years old. I'm not making these figures up, it is in the 2008 Gallup poll. The only way for us to achieve our educational goals is through independent study. Make the world your classroom and for the love of god, do not give in to ignorance. Knowledge IS power.

Until next time,
Soccer Tease

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