Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are You Living?

A common trait in today's society is to just work hard to reach the next echelon in life, whether it be getting into the school you want, finding a job in this depressed economy, or just trying not to drown in financial instability. Too much pressure is placed on these fabricated benchmarks in one's life, replacing the joy of just doing things for self-fulfillment.

A pretty wise, fictitious high-schooler once said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” How many times in our lives do we find ourselves just going through the motions and living the day out like there are many more to come? What ever happened to living each day as if it were your last? I see too many individuals caught up on all the numbers in life, too worried about the complexities and social norms imposed by society. This detrimental effect has created the bubbles we all live in today.

From time to time, I find myself just reaching out for that next benchmark in my life, disregarding the people, places, and experiences I have had. I ask you all to learn from my mistakes and not live in the same dull, numb manner. At each stage in your life, there is something to be learned and absorbed to create the individual that is YOU. YOU are the most important factor in YOUR life, and by downplaying what makes YOU original and makes YOU special to this world, we have a society full of the exact same individual.

So I challenge the reader's of this blog to go out there and live YOUR life. In a world of competition, too much emphasis is placed on what others are doing. It is important to remember that no one else is living YOUR life, and the more you focus on others, the less of YOUR life is actually being lived.


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