Sunday, November 17, 2013

Timing is fucking everything

It only takes one. At least that's what my mother always told me. "It only takes one. "

Right girl wrong time, Right time wrong girl, I guess that's how it's going to go for a while. Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice.

Life is nothing but a series of adjustments. Once you finally figure out how to juggle what you have, another ball gets thrown into the mix and you're caught trying to learn the process all over again.

It's a mad world we live in, you know. There's so many moving parts to it that you can spend all your days trying to figure out just one facet of this incredible system. And so it goes day by day and night by night. Our hearts yearn for something that we do not know.

We want so desperately to be loved for what we love about ourselves that we are in a mad rush to find it. I think that's when you know you've found someone special. When they can love you half as much as you love you -- see you as you want to be seen.

I can sit here and discuss the paradoxes of love until I am weak in the knees, but I will try and contain myself.  To get it we must give it, and to give it means opening up the castle gates. Do you invite opportunity when it means risking everything? I think so. I think it's worth it. At least I want to believe that.

Maybe to share that ineffable emotion with somebody is hardly gazing into each others eyes and finding the answers, maybe it's about standing shoulder to shoulder looking forward, and sharing the same vision.

But then again, what do I know? I'll have to get back to you. I've got work to do.


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