Monday, July 26, 2010

I Have Better Things to Fill My Time

I would like to follow up on the previous post. Hope is not required when all is well. Hope is required in times of duress. Why must I ever experience duress? Most of human sufferings is a manifestation of thought. Yes, hope does come from within. Hope is created through thought. Much the same way that everything is created by means of thought. Think of any time you have ever tormented yourself over something menial only to retrospectively realize how ridiculous it was. Internal havoc is created by thought, but a lack thereof is associated with peace.

So many times we hear, "Do what you must now so that you may do what you want later". I am so tired of modeling my life to sculpt and form some future that is correct only in societal views. I want to be an explorer. An explorer of life. And of thought. I look back on my youth and allow my thoughts to create havoc when I realized how I was hoodwinked. To be told, "you can do whatever you want in life", is a hoax. You can do whatever you like in life so long as you attend school, stay grounded, and do as everyone else! I'm done with that.

That is all for now.

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