Sunday, January 12, 2014

This is it

To whom it may concern:

The first thing I should tell you is that I am not a writer. I have absolutely no writing experience whatsoever. Now, I know this doesn’t help my cause but you must understand that up until this moment I’ve never written for anyone but myself. I write for the release.  The catharsis. It’s beautiful and it’s brief, just like everything wonderful in this world. So if you may, please indulge me and give me just a few minutes of your time.

I’m a lover of words and I’m a believer in love, that’s just about everything you need to know about me.   If I may quote Albert E. “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.”

Do you ever catch yourself in that moment where you ask if this is it? Is this what life is all about, because I want to know. What the hell are we doing here? I’m young and I’m hungry and I’m ready for my chance. I want my 15 minutes of fame and I want to have a perfect hair day when it happens. 

We’re a little off the beaten path, but here we are.  I’ve watched the minutes fall off the clock and I’ve watched the days fall off the calendar, and I’m still waiting for that moment of clarity.   We are right there and I know you can feel it too. “My heart yearns for something which I do not know.”

There are not many things which I am certain of, but I know that time is going quickly now. I’ve tried to slow it down, I’ve tried everything I know, but it’s not going to happen. Time is flying, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Make sure you make the days count, because how we spend our days is truly how we spend our lives. It’s tragic and it’s simple but I’m afraid it’s the truth.

If you want something in this world you have to try and take it. If it didn’t happen, then you didn’t want it badly enough, and that’s the hard truth. Speak now in hard words and by damn speak it again. Time is a precious, precious thing, and we really can’t afford to waste a minute not moving towards the right direction.  If you didn’t already know, the world steps aside for people who know where they are going.

I will leave you with one parting thought, and damn I hope I can make it count. What if I told you that you are everything you think you are? You are beautiful and you are capable, and you are ready. It’s just a matter of effort now. Sometimes people need to hear that. I know I do. “They can because they think they can.” If you want something to happen that never happened you need to do something that you’ve never done. I want you to let that resonate for a minute. A lot of people have this giant misconception that change is a grand event. It’s not. It starts with the smallest of steps, and the timing has never been better. Your moment is now, and it's been waiting forever for you. 

Thank you for your time, you’ve been wonderful tonight.


Monday, November 18, 2013

You Reap What You Sow

Time, the fourth dimension. Time created order. Order begot logic. Logic is the sixth sense.

At the auspice it would appear that Time and Logic could exist within society as pillars of knowledge and reason. However what society could not have realized is the ever evolving complexities associated with such realms of thought. Both Time and Logic have seemingly metastasized well beyond their original conceptions. However, one should not infer that their evolutions were congruent. 

Time is based on a simple concept. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The equivalent of one day. Days were then grouped into weeks and weeks into months and months into years. Within these groups patterns emerged in weather and harvest. Today this is considered common knowledge. While the Earth's Rotation is about one day and Earth's Orbit around the Sun is approximately 364.25 days; What about a day on another planet? Einstein's Theory of Relativity requires both that one's experience is only relative to their existence and that Time and Space are to be considered one in the same. How can something so simple as observing the Earth's rotation relative to the Sun could give rise to the beginnings of comprehending the very fabric of our existence? 

Logic is one's ability to make a decision. Decisions one makes based on their sensory experience are to be considered logical. The decisions one makes will inevitably dictate the course of one's life. The ability to learn from experience is a natural progression amongst many in the animal kingdom. The ability to learn and retain experiences allows for even greater honing of one's logical skill. Recognizing that storing experiences for others is a necessity language was evolved to include writing. Logic also gave rise to mathematics. Mathematics thrives on the ability to make decisions. The need to make decisions faster gave rise to calculators and calculators are to be consider the first decision engines. Logic is the backbone of modern computer programming. Whether or not one believes that an abacus or a slide rule is the first computer does not erode the fact that our need to make decisions and store the results of those decisions have fueled a continued thirst for knowledge, which has resulted in modern humans everyday interfacing with such decision precipitating devices. 

So Logically, if time was never conceived, How could one be in the right place?


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Timing is fucking everything

It only takes one. At least that's what my mother always told me. "It only takes one. "

Right girl wrong time, Right time wrong girl, I guess that's how it's going to go for a while. Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice.

Life is nothing but a series of adjustments. Once you finally figure out how to juggle what you have, another ball gets thrown into the mix and you're caught trying to learn the process all over again.

It's a mad world we live in, you know. There's so many moving parts to it that you can spend all your days trying to figure out just one facet of this incredible system. And so it goes day by day and night by night. Our hearts yearn for something that we do not know.

We want so desperately to be loved for what we love about ourselves that we are in a mad rush to find it. I think that's when you know you've found someone special. When they can love you half as much as you love you -- see you as you want to be seen.

I can sit here and discuss the paradoxes of love until I am weak in the knees, but I will try and contain myself.  To get it we must give it, and to give it means opening up the castle gates. Do you invite opportunity when it means risking everything? I think so. I think it's worth it. At least I want to believe that.

Maybe to share that ineffable emotion with somebody is hardly gazing into each others eyes and finding the answers, maybe it's about standing shoulder to shoulder looking forward, and sharing the same vision.

But then again, what do I know? I'll have to get back to you. I've got work to do.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Road Ahead or the Road Behind by -George Joseph Moriarty (June 7, 1884 – April 8, 1964)

I think the fates must grin
as we denounce them and insist,
The only reason we can’t win
is the fates themselves have missed.
Yet, there lives on the ancient claim-
We win or lose within ourselves,
The shining trophies on our shelves can
Never win tomorrow’s game.
So you and I know deeper down
There is a chance to win the crown,
But when we fail to give our best,
We simply haven’t met the test
Of giving all and saving none
Until the game is really won.
Of showing what is meant by grit,
Of playing through not letting up,
It’s bearing down that wins the cup.
Of taking it and taking more
Until we gain the winning score
Of dreaming there’s a goal ahead,
Of hoping when our dreams are dead,
Of praying when our hopes have fled.
Yet, losing, not afraid to fall,
If bravely we have given all,
For who can ask more of a man
Than giving all within his span.
That giving all, it seems to me,
Is not so far from VICTORY.
And so the fates are seldom wrong,
No matter how they twist and wind;
It’s you and I who make our fates,
We open up or close the gates

Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolutions & Revelations

"There is nothing you cannot accomplish if you set your mind towards it. If it didn't happen, you didn't want it badly enough."

As the ball makes it descent in New York City tonight our heads also fill with hope. Hope filled with excitement for the unknown; and hope for a seemingly better future to come.

In order to make this year better, we need to first look back on this past one. We need to look at our achievements and more importantly we need to look at our failures. What did we do wrong and what can we do to make sure it never happens again?

It is arguably so that our failures are a vital part to our success. If you are looking back on this past year and cannot find failures readily available than you should probably stop reading and get moving because you just discovered your first resolution: "swing the allegorical baseball bat of life more." I mean come on, even the pro's only bat on average about a .300, leaving them with 7/10 failed attempts at bat on a professional level.

The good news is that you have already made the first move. By envisioning and anticipating this better future you have already taken a step towards making it happen. Now simply enough it just needs to be done. A good friend of mine has once told me that: if we can approach every day with the fervor and excitement as we have today, than there is nothing that we cannot do tomorrow.

Take some time to reflect on all the things you can be grateful for at some point tonight because no matter what you think, there is something we are blessed to have. Whether it's our health, our family, or our friends or whether its simply having a choice we are very lucky and most of the time we do not know it.

Secondly, set some goals. Both personal/self goals and entrepreneurial/income goals. Resolutions are only cliche if you don't intend to try and do them.

New Years Eve is about starting the year with people you care about above everything else. Start this year right, and start it quick, because as fast as it took you to read this post it will already be time to have this conversation again.

Here is to the new year, and another chance to get right.


Monday, October 25, 2010

In light of my recent post, I will add this. Although, objectively, one may not seem important, keep this in mind:

A smart man once said, "Live everyday as if it is your last and eventually you will be right".

Life is short. One of the most powerful intellectual tools is to know that you will absolutely die. You have no option. It is the only destination that we all share. Death will come with certainly and will seem to have arrived much more quickly than you can imagine now. I have had plenty of discomfort in realizing this fact, but it has also helped me greatly. Steve Jobs spoke about this in a speech of his and I couldn't agree more. Realizing that you are going to die certainly and relatively soon will help you greatly in life. Because, once you realize this almost everything -- all external expectations, pride, and fear of failure and embarrassment disappear in the face of death leaving only what is important.

Steve Jobs says, "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart."

He goes on to say, "No one has ever escaped death and that is as it should be. Because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Someday very soon you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice. Most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary."

To the journey,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You Are Not That Important

From the time we were born, we have been told that we are special. We have been told we can be whatever we want. The truth is that there are 6.7 billion people in this world. In 1988, when I was born, there were 5.1 billion people in the world. A 20 percent increase in the world population since I was born. Now, I've never seen 7 billion of anything so it is hard to conceive that many unique individuals in existence. People live and people pass away. Most people won't even know when you pass away.

Where am I going with this? Well, in today's society we are obsessed with things that make us feel important. For instance, many people are now using twitter, but why? Perhaps for a good laugh. Maybe to keep up with old friends. I would like to propose that the fascination with twitter and other social media sites is it forces others to take notice of your thoughts and daily activities. Status updates, tweets, and wall posts are just a way of getting your opinion or thoughts out to your social circle. You would never hear anyone say directly to you half of the things they tweet or put on their status. In all honesty, no one gives a damn if you "raged last night" or if you are studying or your opinion on anything. It's those that are close to you that really care.

This seems pretty drab, but my point is coming around. In 1776, there were about 2.5 million Americans and 800 million in the world. You have less of an opportunity to matter to society now than ever before. The odds are, you will never be important. Here is the catch. No one's opinion alone is important. After all, opinions have no clout unless others agree and exchange the information. It is all about the small interactions you have everyday with the people that are important in your life. This chain of interactions is what causes the real movements in the world. There must always be a leader, someone that seems to be the important one. Truly, it is everyone of us in this huge network of nobodies. Throw your conceit out the window and make the changes you seek through the people you meet everyday. You don't have to be a Martin Luther King Jr. or an Albert Einstein to take part in changing the world.

And when you look back on life, like looking back after you climbed a mountain. You will remember each step you took along the way, not the fact that you actually made it to the top.
